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Prypiat was inhabited by 30 000 residents and located just 3 kilometers from the power plant of Tchernobyl. As they were evacuated the day after the disaster, families could only take few possessions leaving everything they had behind. Today the level of contamination is still very high, making it impossible for people to return. Prypiat has become a ghost town gradually worn down by nature and plundered by the so-called ‘stalkers’.

Photos: Pavillon Carré Baudouin. Paris. 2012

It was during one of his last trips to the forbidden Zone that Guillaume Herbaut produced this series of photographs. His numerous visits, to identical looted apartments, made him realise that the only thing that remained demonstrating the residents’ presence were the remaining front doors. From the “Ukraine” buildings, each one was photographed by Guillaume Herbaut. These doors, were for him the last family portraits of Prypiat.


click to view the complete set of Doors of Prypiat in the INSTITUTE archive

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